Monday 17 August 2020

the Red Sea

The Red Sea.

The Red Sea Civilization.

Kenya + East Africa.

Structures: [Link].
Gateways: [Link] <<---->> [Link].
Links: [Link], [Link].


Saturday 15 August 2020



the Durnham-Nairobi Blog.


In the said too that is, perceiving of, equating of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Center too that is, the Centre, the Centerized, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Nairobian Blog too that is, [Link], the Nairobian, the Commoner, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Core too that is, the Centre, the Central, or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Durnham-Nairobi Blog too that is, [Link], of Durnham-Nairobi, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer and to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Centralized too that is.

Of the said Centralized too that is, of Durnham-Nairobi, and if not in a said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Sacred too that is, [Link], the Dedicated, [Link], the Venerated, [Link], and if not of the said Revered too that is: [Link].

the Dedicated.

of Acknowledgement.


In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said "Energies" too that is, [Link], of Transference, [Link], [Link], of life, death, the Momentary, of waste, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said City too that is.

In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of the said too that is, failure, and to and in all too that is, realize, talk too and of, and of the said self too that is, [Link], the African self, [Link], the African city, now is to and in all too that is, refer and to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Collapse too that is, the Decadent, the Disintegrating, the Subsidiary, [Link], of Subsidence, and if not of the said Deteriorating too that is.

the African city.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

the Film-e-sque

of African Cinema.

Cameo Cinema Bldg,
Nairobi, Kenya.

In this said entry too that is, and on what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Film-e-sque too that is, of African Cinema, [Link], now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said African Development too that is, Political, Social, and as said too that is, perceived, and in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Orientation too that is, [Link], of Contact, [Link], and if not in a said too that is, regard and to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Traditional too that is, the Film-e-sque, the Pictur-e-sque, of the said Modern too that is, of Cinema, of Photography, and if not in the said too that is, referring, and to the said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said African Codes too that is, the African Story, the African Reality, the African Outline, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said African Tracings too that is.

In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Sound too that is, the Sounding, [Link], of Egypt, of Tracts, Traits, [Link], or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Picturing too that is, the Picture, [Link], of Kenya, East Africa, the Evolutionary, and if not and as said too that is, as such, perceived, and in a said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said African Trackings too that is: [Link].

of Traits.

the Cinematic.


Indian Film Festival,
Kenya 2019.

of Imaginings.

Of such said Tracings too that is, African, or of such said Trackings too that is, African, and if not in a said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Intelligence too that is, of Film, of Film + Intelligence, [Link], or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Thinking too that is, of Imaginings, [Link], or if not and as said too that is, perceived, as such, and in the said too that is, referral , and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Rounded too that is, the Round, the Circular, of Circles, of the said Rounded-Off too that is, the Rounded-Up, the Approx., the Rounded-Down, the Relative, or if not and as said too that is, as such, perceived, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Marks too that is, the Markings, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Complete too that is.

In the said equating of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Film-e-sque too that is, of African Cinema, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Sequencing too that is, of Sequences, Concatenations, "the Fill", or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Vacuous too that is.

Of the said Fill too that is, the Vacuous, of Vacuity, and if not in a said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Inner too that is, the Inside, the Within, the Internal, the Interior, the Inmost etc. too that is, [Link], of Odu Ifa, [Link], Markings, and if not in a said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Intimacy too that is, or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Contextual too that is.

Of such said Intimacy too that is, and if not in the said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Transmutation too that is, and of said Knowledge too that is, Information, the Tape, the Disc, and if not in a said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said identity too that is, Identity, and in said Kenya too that is, East Africa, the Kenyan, the East African, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Transplanted too that is, [Link], of Nigeria, West Africa, [Link], of Maize, Corn, the Americas, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the Translocated too that is, of Kenya, East Africa, of India, the African Wilddog.

Of the said Transplanted too that is, and if not in a said too that is, referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Object too that is, [Link], of Identity, and if not in a said too that is, referral, and to what can in all, be as said of, and of the said Colonial Object too that is, [Link], of Colonialism, of Endeavour, of Ukoloni, [Link], of Excavation, [Link], of Victorianism, [Link], of Exploration, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said African Object too that is, of Nationalism, of Exploits, of Expeditions, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Modern Object too that is, the Skyscraper, [Link], of Modernism, of Excursions.

In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of a said Nairobi today too that is, Nairobi City, the City of Nairobi, [Link], and as in all said too that is, perceived, and in talk too and of, and of the said Basing too that is, the Base, [Link], the Popular, [Link], of the said Grounding too that is, the Grounded, the Groundings, the 'Nairo' Blogs, [Link], of the said Centering too that is, the Center, the Nairobian Blog, [Link], [Link], or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Core too that is, the Centre, of Durnham-Nairobi too that is: [Link].

the Illuminated.

Of the said Film-e-sque too that is, the Feature Film, of African Cinema, the Cinematic, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said African Score too that is, [Link], the African Condition, of the said Assured too that is, of Assuredness, [Link], [Link], the Mold, of Aksum, [Link], Punt, Sabea, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Red Sea Civilization too that is, [Link], [Link], [Link], the Weighted, [Link], the Luminated, [Link], [Link], the Illuminated, [Link], [Link], the Effectual, [Link], the Book of Exodus, the Red Sea Scrolls, the Questionable, [Link], [Link], [Link], the Biblic, [Link], [Link], or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Msemo too that is, [Link], the Methali, [Link], the Moderative, the Mediative, the Meditative, the Modest, [Link], the Mediary.

the Illuminated.


"A of A"

Sunday 2 August 2020