of Notes

of Notes.

In talk too of, and of the said History of Egypt too that is, of Egypt, & Italy, and as said perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too of, and of said 3 differing Historical Timelines too, of Timelines, of History, of Pyramids in Egypt, now is to and in all, even, perceive, reference, talk too of, and of said Greece too that is, of the said Biblical too that is, the Near Eastern, or if not of the said Red Sea too that is, the Horn of Africa, Somalia, of East Africa, Kenya, Yemen, the Arabian Peninsula.

Of Egypt, of Greece, of the said Mediterranean too, of Egypt, Land of the Pharaohs, of Aegypt, Land of the Gods, or if not of Aegyptus, Land of the Nile, [Link], or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to talk too of, and of a said Ancient Egypt too that is, of Ta-Seti, the Egyptian State. Of said Egyptian Civilization too, of Ra, of Egyptian Religion, of the said Nile Valley Civilization, of Mesopotamia, or if not in talk too of, and of said Meroe too that is, the Meroitic, the Sudan.

Of Egypt, of Israel, the Biblical, the Near Eastern, of said Upper, the Sudan, Lower, the Mediterranean, or of said Middle Egypt too that is, of Egypt, Libya, Phoenicia, the Near East, or if not of said Pharaonic Egypt too that is, of Egypt, the Great Sphinx. Of said Egyptian Civilization too, of Osiris, of Egyptian Religion, or if not of said Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, the Sudan, or if not in talk too of, and of said Kerma too that is, of Egypt, the Sudan.

Of Egypt, of Arabia, the Red Sea, of said Famed Names, Locations, or Sites, and in said Egypt too that is, Ancient, Classical, Antiquity etc., of Thebes, Luxor, Karnak, Amarna, etc., or if not of the said Egyptian Kingdoms too, the Kingdoms of the Nile, of Egypt, of Napata, of Kush, or if not of said Dynastic Egypt too that is, of Ramesses, of Amun. Of said Egyptian Civilization too, of Ptah, of Egyptian Religion, or if not of said North East Africa too, [Link], of Christian Nubia, of Roman North Africa, of Muslim Egypt, or if not in talk too of, and of said Aksum too that is, of Axum, the Sudan. 

Of said Egypt too that is, of Greece, or if not of the said Americas too, of Central America, in History, of Mexico, or if not of said Egypt too that is, of Israel, the Biblical, the Near Eastern, and of the said History of the World too that is, of Africa, of Asia, or if not in talk too of, and of said Egypt too that is, of Arabia, the Red Sea, and of said Africa too that is, in History, of India, of Persia, or if not of the said Arab World too that is, of Babylon, of Egypt, & the Middle East.